Central Park Engagement | NYC

September 4, 2024

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One thing about me, I’m always going to go to New York. While I did in fact study there in college, I fell in love with New York at a very early age. My Aunt lived on the Upper Westside when I was younger and my family still shares stories of our time there. Since College I’ve tried to go back every so often just to roam the city and go to all my favorite spots.

This year my bestie girl from college got ENGAGED! I knew some friends and I were planning a trip to New York so I absolutely had to schedule engagement photos while I was in. A & T’s relationship has been so fun to watch over the years, they met while she studied abroad in Florence and continued dating when they both got back. When chatting with A about what they wanted to do for their engagement session we decided doing the most New York things were totally them. We got to planning locations & outfits and waited for the day!

I met them at The Met on the Upper Westside after accidentally taking the train to the Upper Eastside lol, I had a beautiful brisk walk through Central Park watching all the dogs run around. When we got to The Met there was virtually no one it was amazing! A had her gossip girl moment on the steps and we grabbed a cab to head down to Central Park. (how New York am I right!?)

While we were at Central Park we went to some iconic places that I’m in love with from the steps leading into the giant fountain to the fountain itself. We walked around, spent time pointing out tiny turtles in the pond, A squealed over dogs running around and T made her giggle it was the perfect morning!!

One last thing: It will always be New York or Nowhere!

Creating genuine and emotive images- Inspiring couples to celebrate their love- their way. 

BBS vision

Brittany makes it an effort to get to the heart of the clients she works with. Driven by genuine emotion and authentic story-telling tailored to her couples. She blends the traditional and modern approach with a true to life editing style that will stand the test of time. Featured in the digital pages of Green Wedding Shoes and Carats & Cake.

Photography Courtesy of Brittany Bradley Studio

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